Bye Bye 2009.. Welcome 2010
Okie! Letz have a glance over the year which is about to end. I am not understanding from where to begin but I am gonna start anyhow. what say? :P
This isnt going to be easy for me to write down here but I guess it should not be that hard either. To the readers of my blog, just sit back and read the story :D
Everyone talks about their college life which is full of fun and unusual masti. When I sit down to think about my college time which wasnt that great but I must confess, whatever I learnt from the incidents I went through, did help me know actually WHO AM I? I am talking about my college here because this year which is about to end, brought end to my college life too. Putting me into the BIG world where everyone is striving to mark their presence in some way or the other.
I am here talking about what decisions we take when we are in college.. to do something in our lives which is different and gives us a unique identity. I m sure most of our decisions are influenced by our parents wishes or in other words, we are doing what our parents wishes us to do. Whichever step we take, we are inclined to think about what consequences it would have in future.
Personally, I am a lawyer, I picked up law not because my parents wanted me to become a lawyer but they wanted to see me at some place where I don'to have to rely on anybody in this competitive life and make them proud in whatever I do. My plan to get into Judicial Services was not the one I thought after getting into the college but I got into the college because I wanted to be a Judge. People usually ask me, WHY? and I clearly have no answer to their Y's. Does everything actually have a reason behind it? for instance, I wonder when people claim to be in love with each other, they don't seem to have a reason of why they love each other! isn't it? Then why is it necessary to have a reason behind me thinking to become a Judge?
That apart, Year 2009 was full of happening...some usual but mostly unusual :)
My mother was operated and on the very same day I had an interview with a panel of Judges for the post of Law Clerk Cum Research Assistant. It may sound superstitious or something but I must say destiny plays its own role. When I reached at the hospital to meet my mother, I came to know she was in the operation theater and I prayed all the while for the operation to be successful but to finish fast, so that I can take her wishes before I go for the interview. I waited and waited and when I couldn't wait too longer, I went towards the operation theater area. As destiny would want it, when I was climbing down the stairs, I saw the doctors coming out while rolling the bed of the patient and I rushed to see hooping badly to be my mother and there She was!!! I actually could see her if not take her blessings explicitly. Guess what? I was placed 7th in the rank for the post :)
College farewell and Thanksgiving party, aah!we all wait for the day when the college will come to an end and we all will start earning. I was waiting badly for the college farewell to come because that would give us a satisfaction that YES the college life is about to end. The torture of looking at the same faces for 5 years would come to an end and new challenges will be in front to be won over. The reason I am talking about farewell and thanksgiving party is that this marked a difference in my life showing me who are those persons I am going to cling throughout my life and the number was very less but I was happy to know that i earned some good friends. Another point, this being the end of the college life, people left their ego's and interacted with each other with a thought that "Who knows whats in the future but Hey we spent 5 years together":P
Law clerk Cum research Assistant, woo.. Thats what my designation right now is! We were total 5 people who were given the first call from among the 8 selected candidates who appeared for the interview from my college. The experience with this has been a roller coaster ride for me. Details later...when am done with this job :)
The worst was the month of August when it felt as if God was testing my patience with the destruction around me. To cut the long story in short, my father met with an accident, luckily I was home. Thanks to the God Almighty above, though the accident was a major one. But my father escaped with minor injuries on him. My dear laptop.... which stayed with me and helped me to meet the deadlines...died.. because of the storm which flooded my room and flooded my laptop spoiling it :( But I did get a new laptop :D
Major blasts.. My brother and second sister got engaged. woohoo... This means I am the only one single left in my siblings and I should rather avoid family functions now and not give a chance to people to pin point me out and SAY "hey now its ur TURN".SCARRYYYYY!!!!
My Birthday... There are not enough words to thank Shravanth, Krishna and Gaurav (all three very special and dear to me) for making this birthday yet another memorable event in my life. It was simply awesome to be on the conference call before the day turned into 5th November at 12 in the night..with both ur sisters, brother, sister's husband(s) and brother's wife, manoj mamaji... Love you all. I must mention two other people who made this day special.. Sarthak and Shailendera. Thank you! Yet it was a pleasant surprise to get a call from ur school best friend "Sunita" (who now is married and a mother of an angel.. her daughter is simply awesome). quite evening with my sister and her new family was yet another event which will be cherished!
In all, this year gave me something which will be cherished by me throughout my life(if i sit down and be explicit bout it.. u will surely click on the cross button on ur right side top :D).. some people who stood by me in all my hard times and people who made it easy for me to breathe even when I thought it was the most difficult thing to do! I want to thank each soul for being a part of my life and being there for me!