Forlorn Battle
In the end, does it really matters?
When all you have with you is tears
And that artificial smile which now you wear
With emotions boiling inside, you wonder
Why isn't everything amicable?
Surrendering to this fate so cruel
You just move on passing those hurdles
Yet there is crack to be mended
Impossible it seems
In the glory, you once apprehended
On this battlefield of truth and fake
One has to win, whatever it may take
Truth is strong yet not powerful
Under pressure, its win seems doubtful
It struggles hard and harder
Suppressed and downtrodden
Your anger comes out in full motion
Spoiling the relations without realizing
Its the fake, who gets the promotion
Regaining the strength, truth recovers
Still last in the row, it struggles
With cries and tears rolling all around
The battle gets tougher and tougher
Resigning, the fake is victorious
Yet the reality is completely different
For the reason that
In the end, it really doesn't matter!
When all you have with you is tears
And that artificial smile which now you wear
With emotions boiling inside, you wonder
Why isn't everything amicable?
Surrendering to this fate so cruel
You just move on passing those hurdles
Yet there is crack to be mended
Impossible it seems
In the glory, you once apprehended
On this battlefield of truth and fake
One has to win, whatever it may take
Truth is strong yet not powerful
Under pressure, its win seems doubtful
It struggles hard and harder
Suppressed and downtrodden
Your anger comes out in full motion
Spoiling the relations without realizing
Its the fake, who gets the promotion
Regaining the strength, truth recovers
Still last in the row, it struggles
With cries and tears rolling all around
The battle gets tougher and tougher
Resigning, the fake is victorious
Yet the reality is completely different
For the reason that
In the end, it really doesn't matter!
A very very nice poem... keep up da good work Shavii. Can I have it in my inbox as a personal mail...?? :)
i simply meant.. even if fake is victorios.. the truth always stays.. thts why in the end it really doesnt matter! got it?
thanks for the appreciation sargam!