A room without a door is the perfect place to live
Every bad thing that comes in will have to leave
It would be mix of a hell and heaven, I suppose
Have you lived in an apartment of love before?

How I wish such a place really existed
Life would then always be daring
No roller coaster rides would have been needed
To feel the worldly emotions, spoiling everything

Cut out these feelings because they immobilize
Make you deaf, blind and impaired
Before one realizes the breathing stops
To know it’s the end which it doesn’t want

Heart gets weaker and mind cannot get stable
The eyes can see something but cannot register
Do you really want such kind of situation?
No, is the literal answer, I trust

No one needs to bleed with emotions
Be strong because you’ve got no options
Hold on to your inner self and don’t muddle
Life is short, live in present and cuddle!


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